NDANA – Secretary

By | October 1, 2023


  • 1 year (December – December)


  • Suggested two years clean time 
  • Able to take accurate minutes, have clerical/computer skills, and access to necessary equipment
  • Experience at ASC level or as Group Secretary 
  • Working knowledge and understanding of the Twelve Steps and Traditions of NA 
  • Has the willingness, time and resources to serve


  • Passes out and collects attendance/address/phone/email list at ASC
  • Produces ASC minutes and emails, mails and posts to the rvana.org website no later than the fourth Sunday of each month
  • Posts minutes on NDANA website as “Unapproved” as soon as compiled, and repost approved minutes as “Approved” once approved
  • Adds any needed corrections to the previous month’s ASC minutes
  • Gives verbal and written report at ASC
  • Calls Vice-Chair if unable to attend ASC
  • Collects Group, Committee, and Executive committee reports
  • Creates a document which lists the new Executive committee members, which would include the Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, Vice Chair and Chairperson and then include this document in the December minutes for official record, providing official documentation for Bank’s signature card 
  • In the case ASC must be held on video chat, secretary may record the meeting with the understanding that the recording will be deleted immediately afterwards. Recording will be announced before the start of the meeting to make everyone aware.